CIP-T2 Healthy Behavior Video Preview for Parents and Interventionists
Five short videos are available to help introduce both parents and interventionists to the newly released SSIS SEH CIP-T2 (Tier 2 Intervention program). View additional videos HERE!
Guiding Premise
We all teach children social emotional learning skills,
so do it efficiently and effectively with the SSIS Assessment and Intervention System!

CLICK HERE to Read our Letter to Parents and School Leaders
Social Emotional Health (SEH) Focused
Assessments focus on core SEL skills representing CASEL competencies and key emotional behavior concerns that lead directly to intervention lessons that teach four healthy behavior routines and 30 SEL skills. The positive, strength-focused SEL tools have all been expanded to effectively address the mental and social wellbeing needs of K-12 students.
Practices with decades of published top-quality and independent research to support the validity and utility of the assessments and the effectiveness of the intervention program. User acceptability and cost effectiveness evidence also is strong.
Academic Enabling
Behaviors within the array of common SEL skills are prioritized for assessment and instruction, thus enhancing both the social and academic outcomes of interventions to achieve a triple-positive impact for students by increasing SEL skills, decreasing many problem behaviors, and improving achievement!
Guiding Frameworks

SSIS™ SEL Assessment Items & Scores Align with CASEL Core Competencies
The SSIS SEL Edition family of assessments provide data for making a range of important educational decisions. Each provides items that are aggregated to provide reliable and valid total SEL and Subscale scores for Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making. The assessments are:
- SSIS SEL Brief Scales
- SSIS SEL Brief + Mental Health Scales
- SEL Screening/Progress Monitoring Scales
- SSIS SEL Rating Forms (Teacher, Parent, & Student)
SSIS™ SEH CIP and SEH CIP-T2 Work Together to Provide for All Students at All Levels
The expanded SSIS SEH CIP provides 7 lessons on Healthy Behavior Routines and up to 30 SEL skill units with applications in 180 social situations for students in grades 1-5 (Level 1) and grades 6-12 (Level 2). For students who need more support, the SEH CIP-T2 can be used at Tiers 2 and 3 to improve stress management, social support, and goal setting skills that are essential to further development of SEL skills.
- Regardless of students’ age/grade, the skills to be taught are determined by results of a screening assessment within the context of a school’s curriculum.
- All SEL CIP Units have 3 lessons each 25-30 minutes long and built to be sequenced, active, focused, explicit, and responsive — S.A.F.E.R.!
- The instructional process involves six phases: Tell > Show > Do > Practice > Monitor Progress > Generalize.
- Research demonstrates that the SSIS CIP has a triple-positive impact on students: increasing SEL skills, decreasing many problem behaviors, and increasing academic engagement and achievement outcomes.

FREE Trial Offer!
SSIS SEH Classwide Intervention Program Digital Bundle – NEW 2022 Edition!
Expanded with NEW Healthy Behavior Foundation Lessons

Making Decisions
SSIS SEL Brief Scales
- Teacher K-12 Form
- Teacher Preschool Form
- Parent K-12 Form (English & Spanish)
- Parent Preschool Form (English & Spanish)
- Student (Grades 3-12) Form (English & Spanish)
SSIS SEL Brief + Mental Health Scales
- Teacher K-12 Form
- Parent K-12 Form (English & Spanish)
- Student (Grades 3-12) Form (English & Spanish)
SSIS SEL Edition Screening and Progress Monitoring Scales
- Teacher Version
SSIS SEL Edition Rating Forms
- Teacher Rating Form
- Parent Rating Form
- Student Rating Form
SSIS Rating Scales
- Teacher Rating Form
- Parent Rating Form
- Student Rating Form
SSIS SEH Classwide Intervention Program (CIP)
for Improving
Social, Emotional, & Academic Skills
Need More Information?
Our knowledge base is built on decades of research and includes articles, briefs, webinars, and related resources to support a deep dive into the SSIS SEL System and provide you answers to many common questions.
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