What’s Included:
  • Digital version of manual (flipbook & pdf)
Know Before You Buy:
  • This item is for the manual ONLY
  • View the product page for the SSIS SEL CIP Bundle to get this manual for free with the purchase of the digital lesson content for all 30 Skill Units and 7 Healthy Behavior Foundation Lessons.

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SSIS SEH Classwide Intervention Program Manual 2022 Edition (Digital Version)


  • Elementary & Middle/High School Levels with more Role-Plays at each level.
  • 7 new Healthy Behavior Foundation Lessons to address stress management, social support needs, and personal improvement goal setting!

The SSIS SEH CIP Manual (2022 digital edition) provides users….

  • The knowledge to implement and evaluate the program with high integrity,
  • Lesson plans and scripts for up to 37 skills that can be applied in 360 common social situations that students confront,
  • Lessons that each take approximately 25 minutes and embody a S.A.F.E.R. approach to instruction using the highly efficient and effective Tell -> Show -> Do -> Practice -> Monitor Progress -> Generalize procedure.
  • A 100% digital program that requires 2-2.5 hours of preparation to implement.
  • An evidence-based program that has a triple-positive impact on students by increasing SEL skills, decreasing many emotional behavior concerns, and increasing academic engagement and achievement in many cases.
  • One of the few programs in the English-speaking world that is both CASEL and What Works Clearinghouse recognized!


SKU: SSIS-SEH-CIP-MAN-2022-DIG Category:

The SSIS SEH Classwide Intervention Program (SEH CIP) Manual provides all the information needed to thoroughly understand the development and use of the program with children ages 6 to 18 years. With this edition of the SSIS CIP, we continue to explicitly teach up to 30 key social emotional learning (SEL) skills, but enhance the understanding and use of these skills as part of personal healthy behavior routines that advance students’ social and psychological wellbeing and school success. We have accomplished this by creating a series of Healthy Behavior Foundation (HBF) lessons, differentiated to meet the needs of students at different developmental levels, and integrating these new lessons with the established Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons of the 2020 SEL CIP. The result is a responsive Tier 1 program for use by educators for students in elementary (grades 1-5 / Level 1) and middle-high school (grades 6-12 / Level 2). The program is empirically aligned with the five CASEL SEL Competencies and aligned with the SSIS SEL assessments (i.e., SSIS SEL Brief + Mental Health Scales and the SSIS SEH Performance Monitor), making it a truly one-of-a-kind assessment to intervention program!

All the HBF and SEL lessons are 100% digital and supported with an array of downloadable resources – Skill Step Cue Cards, Role Play Cards, Student Engagement Records -- to support student learning and sharing with parents.

For users of previous versions of the SSIS SEL CIP, the biggest change to the program, other than the addition of the HBF lessons, is the 2-Level program. Specifically, for elementary students (Level 1: Grades 1 to 5), 20 SEL lessons with 120 unique role play applications are recommended each year. For middle and high school students (Level 2: Grades 6 to 12), 21 explicit SEL skill building lessons with 126 new role play applications are recommended each year. Many of the Level 2 role plays involve commonly confronted social media situations. Previous users of any of the SSIS CIP lessons testify that the power of the program rests on the explicit instruction and monitoring of skills (sets of 3 or 4 behaviors) practiced with peers in role play situations that commonly confront students at school, home, and in their communities. Thus, the active application and self-monitoring of key SEL skills for successfully navigating more than 100 social situations provides all students the opportunity to learn and refine skills needed for a lifetime!